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2000s |
(chronological, by film title) Introduction | Silents to 1930s | 1940s | 1950s | 1960s | 1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000s Return to Entire Quotes Index |
2000s |
"This Ain't No Chick
Flick!" |
"After a night they can't remember comes a day they'll never forget." |
"She brought a small town to its feet and a huge corporation to its knees." |
"Death doesn't take no for an answer." |
"A Hero Will Rise" |
"Ice cold. Hot wired." |
"Think you're alone? Think again." |
"He's Icin' & Slicin'" |
"Nobody ever grows up quite like they imagined." |
"Some memories are best forgotten." |
"From gentle to mental." |
"Expect the impossible again" |
"They have a plan...but not a clue." |
"Meet the Marquis de Sade. The pleasure is all his." |
"Throw the ball. Catch the girl. Keep it simple." |
"No mercy. No shame. No sequel." |
"Trust a few. Fear the rest." |
"Disco is dead." |
"War is hell...but peace is f*#!%!! boring." |
"The Whisper Told Most Often..." |
"Dark. Darker. Darko." |
"The night...has an appetite." |
"His genius undeniable. His evil unspeakable." |
"Evil gets an upgrade." |
"WhAT's EATing you?" |
"One ring to rule them all." |
"You Won't Believe Your Eye." |
"They served you Breakfast. They gave you Pie. Now we're gonna stuff your face." |
"Are You In Or Out?" |
"Family isn't a word. It's a sentence." |
"More sex! More screams! Less taste!" |
"Fear is a place." |
"The greatest fairy tale never told." |
"One nation under the gun." |
"The true story of a real fake." |
"15 miles from paradise...one man will do anything to tell the world everything." |
"They took everything he had...except his rage." |
"They axed for it!" |
"Sea Evil" |
"It was supposed to be the safest room in the house." |
"Before you die, you see..." |
"It's not like they didn't warn us." |
"A monk. A punk. A chick. In a kick-ass flick." |
"There are 3.7 trillion fish in the ocean. They're looking for one." |
"Winner Kills All" |
"Everything you know about desire is dead wrong" |
"He Knows No Fear. He Knows No Danger. He Knows Nothing" |
"Sometimes you have
to go halfway around the world to come full circle." |
"Everything that has a beginning has an end." |
"On this highway, the roadkill is human." |
"Remember the future." |
"Great trilogies come in threes." |
"Whoever Wins...We Lose." |
"Live your life at the point of impact." |
"Grab life by the ball." |
"Success didn't go to his head, it went to his neighbor." |
"No actual Europeans were harmed in the making of this film." |
"Controversy...what controversy?" |
"Does my gluteus maximus look big in this?" |
"It never forgives. It never forgets." |
"Bust a Moo." |
"He's out to prove he's got nothing to prove." |
"Twelve is the new eleven." |
"The funniest thing you ever sawed." |
"A romantic comedy. With zombies." |
"Good cops. Bad hair." |
"The one name they all fear." |
"Love is a force of nature." |
"The longer you wait, the harder it gets." |
"On May 6th...See Paris Die!" |
"Welcome to the suck." |
"Some family secrets are best kept buried." |
"This relationship is going to be a real mother." |
"Oh yes, there will be blood." |
"Laugh. Cry. Share the pants." |
"Are You Watching Closely?" |
"Do not disturb them. They already
are." |
"It's not called Gym-Nice-Tics" and |
"The Childhood Fairy Tale Becomes
Your Worst Nightmare." |
"You scream. You die." |
"The last man on Earth is not alone." |
"Sometimes The Truth Is Best Left Buried" |
"Disaster has a passport." |
"This might hurt a little." |
"See our family. And feel better about yours." |
"There's more than one way to lose your life to a killer" |
"Intelligence is Relative" |
"His father, her mother, his mother and her father all in one day." |
"We've Sensed It. We've Seen The Signs. Now... It's Happening." |
"Schoolgirls, Drill bras, Ninjas,
One big machine gun!" |
"This Christmas, Heel the Love." |
"When you can live forever, what do you live for?" |
"He was dead...But he got better." |
"Some secrets are better left buried." |
"What Happens When The Numbers Run Out?" |
"Be cool. Life is cool. You're so cool in Cracktown." |
"No goats, no glory." |
"Sit. Stay. Play Dad." |
"The truth is not what you know. It's what you believe." |
"Holmes for the Holiday." |
"Life is For Living." |
"Death is Just Around the Corner." |
"Rock out with your Glock out." |
"Two agents. One city. No merci." |
"Who's Your Nanny?" |
"An epic of epic epicness" |
"The Impossible True Story" |
"You Don't Get To 500 Million Friends Without Making a Few Enemies" | |
Tooth Fairy (2010) |
"You Can't Handle the Tooth!" |
"Everyone's Got a Secret" and |
"All great things come in Bears." |
"Nothing spreads like fear" |
"Breaking the Law to Protect It." |
"Friendship Has Its Benefits" |