Greatest Film Scenes
and Moments

The Birth of a Nation (1915)


Written by Tim Dirks

Title Screen
Movie Title/Year and Scene Descriptions

The Birth of a Nation (1915)

In this landmark blockbuster epic film from director D.W. Griffith, with incredible Civil War battle scenes resembling historic Matthew Brady photographs:

  • the scene of Benjamin "The Little Colonel" Cameron's (Henry B. Walthall) military assault and the stuffing of a Confederate flag down the barrel of a Union cannon
  • the techniques of closing down the iris of the camera and cameos
  • the touching and poignant scene of Ben's return to his ruined Southern home
Lincoln's Assassination Reenactment
Flora's Death Jump When Chased by Gus
The KKK's Ride
  • the recreated, skillfully-executed Lincoln assassination scene
  • the tense sequence of 'Little Sister' Flora (Mae Marsh) being chased by 'renegade negro' Gus (Walter Long) into the woods and jumping to her death
  • the image of zealous and heroic Ku Klux Klan on horseback terrorizing blacks and riding to the rescue

The Military Assault

Stuffing Flag in Cannon

Ben Cameron's Return Home


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